Foundation Learning

Welcome to Foundation Learning

Foundation Learning consists of pupils ranging from 3 to 7 years old.  

Our nursery and reception class is taught by Miss Morris. Years 1 and 2 are taught by Miss Wilson.  Both teachers are supported by a team of qualified and experienced teaching assistants.

Foundation Learning consists of three areas; Lliwe class, Sien class and Cwtsh y Cadno which is the outdoor area. The pupils’ day includes a variety of tasks and activities from focus tasks to Learning Detectives. During learning detectives the pupils have time to explore and develop their own ideas and experiences through completing challenges. 
Lessons are differentiated by pupil ability and not year group which ensures an appropriate level of challenge for all pupils to achieve their full potential.


  • Water bottle and reading file every day
  • A coat, as outdoor activities take place despite the weather
  • Messy Mondays: outdoor clothing and wellingtons required
  • Wednesday: P.E. kit for years 1 and 2
  • Thursday: P.E. kit for years nursery and reception